My ethics code serves as a guide for my career. It reflects how I believe an employee should act both on and off the job. This is demonstrated by the below values.
Honesty and Integrity. I believe being honest about my work is of the upmost importance. I will not plagiarize, and I will take pride in the work that I create. I will value my position and I will always strive to achieve.
Fairness and objectivity. I believe that when working as a journalist, it is not my place to decide right and wrong or construe facts. I will remain objective in my work and ensure that facts that I report are accurate and unbiased.
Value of Team. I believe the best way to grow is to do so together. I will always make sure to bring along people and not leave them behind. I think working as a team is vital to success and I will ensure that it is important in how I conduct business.
Effort. I believe that it is never acceptable to cut corners. Whether that is in the workplace or life in general. I will give my best effort in everything I do, and I will take pride in what I create.
Respect. I believe in treating others the way I would like to be treated. I will respect the rights of others in and around the workplace. I will not exploit others for my own personal gain.